
Hi, I’m the Swift Kid!

September 2, 2019
typealias TheSwiftKid = //error: real name not found… I’m only 12

(see bottom of post if you didn’t get that reference)*

It all started with Swift Playgrounds and its funny orange monster (see below), but when I switched to Xcode on my Mac I needed help. What helped me were great blogs like Ray Wenderlich, iOScreator, Little Bites of Cocoa, and also Hacking with Swift. I learned a lot from these sites, but sometimes they were too advanced for me, so I decided to write a blog that helps kids like me! Plus, there’s so much to learn in Swift, so the more blogs there are, the faster we can all learn.

This is my friend Byte (from Swift Playgrounds).

I love coding for many reasons, but the main one is because it reminds me of my wonderful dream: to make an app that teaches English to animals. Just kidding! I really like coding because it’s fun. When I was a kid, which I still am, I dreamed of making a cool superhero app on PlayStation. Until that point, I used to think coding was extremely easy, but I then realized that it took a lot of time and dedication. As you can see, that didn’t stop me from building Injustice 2 all by myself! No, you don’t need to look it up… I was just joking 😒. 

I‘m also working on releasing my first app to the App Store! Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when it’s ready in one of my future blog entries.

That’s about it. I hope you enjoy!

* If you didn’t get that reference, I’m referring to Swift’s typealias feature. Typealias lets you rename a type like an Int or a String. For example, if I have a class where I only use strings for names, I could say something like typealias Name = String. I would then be able to write Name instead of String when defining a variable’s type, which makes it awesome.

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